All leagues
Premier League
% League imbalance
Goals per match
Non-penalty xG per shot
Average age
% minutes played by U21

Expected Goals (xG)

2 Manchester City 77.70
3 Arsenal 76.73
4 Newcastle United 71.48
5 Chelsea 67.36

Expected Goals (xG)

2 Manchester City 77.70
3 Arsenal 76.73
4 Newcastle United 71.48
5 Chelsea 67.36

Goal Conversion (%)

2 Aston Villa 14.26
3 Arsenal 13.82
4 Chelsea 13.48
5 Manchester City 12.95

Goal Conversion (%)

2 Aston Villa 14.26
3 Arsenal 13.82
4 Chelsea 13.48
5 Manchester City 12.95

Build-up Disruption % (BDP)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Arsenal Subscription needed
4 Brentford Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed

Build-up Disruption % (BDP)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Arsenal Subscription needed
4 Brentford Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed

Gegenpressing Int % (GPI)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Chelsea Subscription needed
4 Manchester City Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Gegenpressing Int % (GPI)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Chelsea Subscription needed
4 Manchester City Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Field Tilt (%)

2 Arsenal Subscription needed
3 Liverpool Subscription needed
4 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Field Tilt (%)

2 Arsenal Subscription needed
3 Liverpool Subscription needed
4 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Touches conceded in box

2 Manchester City 537
3 Liverpool 735
4 Tottenham Hotspur 814
5 Aston Villa 834

Touches conceded in box

2 Manchester City 537
3 Liverpool 735
4 Tottenham Hotspur 814
5 Aston Villa 834

Successful crosses

2 Fulham 105
3 Liverpool 103
4 Bournemouth 101
5 Luton Town 101

Successful crosses

2 Fulham 105
3 Liverpool 103
4 Bournemouth 101
5 Luton Town 101


2 Liverpool Subscription needed
3 Newcastle United Subscription needed
4 Arsenal Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed


2 Liverpool Subscription needed
3 Newcastle United Subscription needed
4 Arsenal Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed
All leagues
Premier League
% League imbalance
Goals per match
Non-penalty xG per shot
Average age
% Minutes played by U21

Expected Goals (xG)

2 Manchester City 77.70
3 Arsenal 76.73
4 Newcastle United 71.48
5 Chelsea 67.36

Expected Goals (xG)

2 Manchester City 77.70
3 Arsenal 76.73
4 Newcastle United 71.48
5 Chelsea 67.36

Goal Conversion (%)

2 Aston Villa 14.26
3 Arsenal 13.82
4 Chelsea 13.48
5 Manchester City 12.95

Goal Conversion (%)

2 Aston Villa 14.26
3 Arsenal 13.82
4 Chelsea 13.48
5 Manchester City 12.95

Build-up Disruption % (BDP)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Arsenal Subscription needed
4 Brentford Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed

Build-up Disruption % (BDP)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Arsenal Subscription needed
4 Brentford Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed

Gegenpressing Int % (GPI)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Chelsea Subscription needed
4 Manchester City Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Gegenpressing Int % (GPI)

2 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
3 Chelsea Subscription needed
4 Manchester City Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Field Tilt (%)

2 Arsenal Subscription needed
3 Liverpool Subscription needed
4 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Field Tilt (%)

2 Arsenal Subscription needed
3 Liverpool Subscription needed
4 Tottenham Hotspur Subscription needed
5 Brighton and Hove Albion Subscription needed

Touches conceded in box

2 Manchester City 537
3 Liverpool 735
4 Tottenham Hotspur 814
5 Aston Villa 834

Touches conceded in box

2 Manchester City 537
3 Liverpool 735
4 Tottenham Hotspur 814
5 Aston Villa 834

Successful crosses

2 Fulham 105
3 Liverpool 103
4 Bournemouth 101
5 Luton Town 101

Successful crosses

2 Fulham 105
3 Liverpool 103
4 Bournemouth 101
5 Luton Town 101


2 Liverpool Subscription needed
3 Newcastle United Subscription needed
4 Arsenal Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed


2 Liverpool Subscription needed
3 Newcastle United Subscription needed
4 Arsenal Subscription needed
5 Bournemouth Subscription needed